Welcome to our new forums

Welcome to the forum!

We at the team are excited to use the new and improved forums to get the conversation going with our over 1 million users!

Now you are here, jump over to the introduce yourself section and get acquainted with other cronometer users.

Over the next few weeks we will be launching even more sections of the forums .

Welcome again and happy cronometer-ing!

While we are here, lets get the general rules out of the way:

This community has been created so that you can exchange ideas, converse and meet others who share a common interest.

Here are some guidelines:

- Keep your posts relevant to the forum category.

- Please be respectful of others and don’t sweat the small stuff.

- Do not post hateful or illegal content. Do not post copyrighted material without proper attribution.

- Please do not post any personal information or photos that you wouldn’t want to be seen by the public

- SPAM will not be tolerated.

- Use private messages to chat with moderators or other members in private. In summary: be polite, enjoy yourself, and help us build a great community.



September 2017

just joined today and i absolutely love this cronometer. very easy to use, keeps all my information in one space. all info is carried from one device to another


May 2017

This is my first week using cronometer and I love it. I can see exactly what I'm lacking in my "pretty near vegan diet."

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